Release ImageCapture 9
Today we introduce a major release of our ImageCapture software: ImageCapture 9. As you would expect from a major release, it is packed with new functionalities! In this article we underline the highlights of ImageCapture 9.
User interface ImageCapture
As of this release, the interface of our web client has been optimised. This makes the booking screens appear calmer and enhances the user experience.
As of version 9, ImageCapture is a 64-bit application. A rather technical term, but for users of our hosting platform, ImageCapture Online, it means among other things that new functionality has become available. For example, as of release 9, it is possible to add attachments to the invoice during booking or approval in ImageCapture. For example, a packing slip, PDF document, a photo, or an image.
Additionally, as of our latest release, the use of Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported. This is in line with Microsoft who will soon also stop supporting Internet Explorer 11.
Self-learning coding
A nice optimisation that also became available in version 9, is that the coding of fields such as cost centre and cost unit have become self-learning. This works as follows: for invoices with many lines, a supplier often mentions a reference per invoice line. Think, for example, of telephone numbers on invoices from your phone company, or car registrations on lease invoices. ImageCapture can read these references using invoice line recognition. The first time the invoice is booked, you select the cost centres and/or cost units, after which ImageCapture remembers the correlation between the reference and the cost centre and/or unit, so that these are automatically presented the next time.
ImageCapture 9.2
Finally, we would like to give you a little peek at what’s going on: this autumn, with the release of ImageCapture 9.2, the option of processing expense claims with the ImageCapture workflow will also become available. Employees can then simply take a photo of their receipts, after which ImageCapture will automatically create a declaration entry. The approval of declarations will also take place entirely within ImageCapture. More information about this new solution will follow shortly!
For more information about ImageCapture 9, please feel free to contact us. For customers with a current maintenance agreement, the update will be made available free of charge. Please contact our support department via the Scan Sys portal. Our support staff will evaluate the possibilities of this update and whether you can perform this update yourself or with the help of paid consultancy (remote or onsite).
Because of the large number of requests to have the update carried out by our support professionals, you should take a lead time of approximately 1 month into account. Please take this into account when planning the update of your ImageCapture environment.
Not a Scan Sys customer yet? Then please fill in our contact form. Our sales staff will be happy to inform you about the possibilities of our software for your financial administration.