At home or on the go? Purchase invoices can be approved at any time!
Are purchase invoices in your organization still handed around in a folder to be signed for payment? In some organizations, this still happens regularly, which means that invoices sometimes lie around for a long time and are therefore not paid (or are paid far too late). Invoices that arrive by e-mail are sometimes even printed out to end up on a desk. Especially now that many people still regularly work from home, approving paper invoices is very inefficient. Suppliers become impatient and want to know when they can expect payment. But where exactly has the invoice gone? Which colleague was actually supposed to approve it and what if he or she is on holiday? The employees can’t find it in the administration, so a copy is requested and approved for payment. Calling and inquiring will cost the employee and the supplier a lot of time. This way an invoice that should not have been paid can slip through more quickly. Also, the employee who has to approve the invoices cannot see if the invoice has been booked correctly. When checking the books, corrections might have to be made again.
ImageCapture Workflow
By digitizing the approval process, you avoid these extra steps, the process is much faster, and you always have access to the status of the invoices. The ImageCapture workflow and archive functionality gives you complete control over all document flows. You have access to the status of the purchasing invoices and the costs at all times. Employees receive automated messages with a link to the invoices to be reviewed. Thanks to the use of the ImageCapture Web Client, approvers can view and review invoices independently of time and place. In addition to approving and rejecting invoices, employees can easily ask a question to a colleague, delegate the approval to another reviewer, add attachments or skip the invoice in the review process, for example while waiting for feedback from the supplier.
For each invoice a detailed overview (audit trail) is built of the processing and approval. The audit trail not only provides information about the processing but also about the created or updated entry, the status of the approval and any questions/comments registered during the approval. The digital documents, with audit trail, are stored in ImageCapture’s archive.
The ImageCapture digital archive is text-label searchable and access can be dynamically controlled using roles and rights. It is also possible to expand the archive with reporting tools, which provide valuable management information such as turnaround times, method of receipt (paper or digital), whether UBL invoice messages are available, but also any stagnations in the process. Finally, the report also provides insight into supplier information such as expenditure over a given period per supplier.
Workflow Delegation
Are you about to go on vacation? Then make sure you delegate your workflow in ImageCapture during your vacation! With this handy feature, you can have one of your colleagues temporarily handle the approval of purchase invoices. This way, you can enjoy a carefree holiday and not have to struggle through a bunch of purchase invoices upon your return! Delegating your workflow is just one of the many features of ImageCapture Workflow.
Want to know more about workflow for approving your purchase invoices? Contact us or find your financial application and discover the possibilities for your administration!