Purchase management with Ultimo and Exact Globe

The process

Orders & Receipts



Entry in Exact


Entry in Ultimo

Approving in Ultimo

How can I help you?

I will gladly tell you more about all the benefits of our integration in a personal meeting. Leave your details here and you will be called back for a date and time at your convenience.

Vinçon Productspecialist

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The advantages of purchase management with ImageCapture

  • No more manual entry errors when booking and much faster processing
  • No more paper archive, documents are available digitally and won’t be lost
  • Full integration with Ultimo software
  • Integration with the most used ERP and financial systems
  • Extensive recognition and matching at header and line level
  • Automatic booking proposal for cost invoices and matching proposal for purchase invoices
  • Scanning of paper invoices, automatic importing and reading of PDF, UBL and XML invoices
  • Differences in numbers and prices can be adjusted immediately
  • No limit on number of administrations or documents

Success stories with Ultimo & ImageCapture

Customers have their say